Antike Diamond Brushes

Antike Diamond Brushes

Antike flooring

Slip Resistant treatment system from Klindex

Klindex introduces the newest way of slip resistant treating floors in-situ without the need for harsh chemicals or highly problematic sealers; The ANTIKE diamond brush system.
Perfect for external areas, wet areas or those requiring low slip rating; The ANTIKE diamond brush system has the following benefits.

Features of the Antike Flooring:

  • Environmentally friendly – uses water only
  • Economic – Low material cost, easy process
  • Fast – 1-2 passes with the machine creates the slip resistant surface
  • Consistent finish – Not patchy and uneven like most acid treatments
  • Permanent – Doesn’t break down and become slippery again like sealers


What are they?

Antike brushes feature a diamond grit fused into a brush based filament to allow the brushes to ‘machine’ a smooth and polished surface that is slippery into an antislip flooring in an easy and non hazardous way. These brushes are available in 30, 70 and 120 grits and can work on nearly all types of stone, concrete and timber flooring.

How does they work?

The diamond brushes are fitted underneath a machine to mechanically wear out the softer parts of the stone and leave the harder part of the stone proud of the surface, creating microscopic undulations in the floor which generates significant antislip.


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