

Kristallux is a crystallizing liquid for the polishing of marble, terrazzo, limestone, travertine and other types of stone surfaces


Kristallux is a floor crystallization liquid used to maintain polish of marble, terrazzo, limestone, travertine and other types of stone floor surfaces. Kristallux floor is still allowed to “breathe” through microscopic pores of the stone. Provides an high level of long lasting and resistant shine in first crystallizations, being also suitable for periodical maintenance of floors already crystallized. Its use guarantees the maximum protection for the pavement for long time.

High Gloss: The size of the particles of the Kristal Blu are generally within 5nm and are able to penetrate into the micro air pores of tiles and form a uniform film of high gloss. Due to containing titanium and quartz particles, attractive gloss appears and eases the work of cleaning staff.

Incomparable high strength and wear resistance: Kristal Blu contains rigid titanium particles, which are over a hundred times harder then resin grains contained in general crystallizing agents that are able to resist foot traffic for an extended period of time and exempt you from the need for repeated polishing.

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